
A holiday favorite bread made vegan and gluten free

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A gluten free and vegan version of lemon poppy seed bread! Black eyed peas with sautéed garlic, caramelized onions, peppers and greens. Served with corn bread. Great for those looking for a southern dish with a healthy twist! Carrots, mushrooms, onions, garlic, and ginger create the perfect winter bowl! We deliver the ramen noodles separate from the broth to give the customer flexibility to freeze and eat later. 4-5 minutes to heat the noodles, combine with the broth, and you have a super healthy and hot meal! Breakfast for dinner, plant based style! If you are fearful of tofu, this is definitely the dish to try! Excellent on it's own or stuffed into a tortilla, many are surprised by how quickly they fall in love with tofu scramble!
Why Morsel
Meet Morsel

Impassioned by the postive effect of nutrient dense foods on her own life and well-being, founder Megyn now seeks to help others navigate the world of nutrition through delicious meals.

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